Dangerzone 0.7.1 is out

You're currently reading the release announcement for version 0.7.1, but a newer version (0.8.1) is now available.

This release includes a patch for Docker Desktop, and security updates. If you are on a Mac or PC you should additionally ensure that the Docker Desktop application is up to date. To install, follow the links in our downloads page.

The two changes in this release are:

  • Make Dangerzone work with fresh Docker Desktop installations

    This release mainly addresses an issue with new Docker Desktop installations on Windows and Mac OS. Users who have done a fresh installation of Docker Desktop 4.30.0 or greater (released on August 29th), have reported that Dangerzone fails conversions with the following error message:

    Unknown Error Code '125'

    This error message is attributed to a new way that Docker Desktop stores and references container images, which broke some Dangerzone expectations. With this release, we enable Dangerzone to work both with older Docker Deskop installations and newer ones.

  • Update the software in our container image

    As in every release, we rebuild our container image to get the latest security updates.

For a full list of the changes, see our changelog.

Download Dangerzone 0.7.1

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